- Pharmaceuticals & Drugs
- Earthing Electrode
- Food & Beverages
- Industrial Plants & Machinery
- Electronics & Electrical
- Industrial Supplies
- Metals, Alloys & Minerals
- Chemicals, Dyes & Solvents
- Mechanical Parts & Spares
- Furniture & Supplies
- Automobile, Parts & Spares
- Building & Construction
- Apparel, Clothing & Garments
- Hand & Machine Tools
- Handicrafts & Decorative
- Kitchen Utensils & Appliances
- Cosmetics & Personal Care
- Textiles & Fabrics
- Electronics Components
- Electrical Equipment
- Home Textile & Furnishing
- Fashion Accessories & Gear
- Bags, Belts & Wallets
- Herbal & Ayurvedic Product
- Books & Stationery
- Marble, Granite & Stones
- Leather Products
- Lab Instruments
- Gems & Jewelry

ERP Software
ERP software is utilized to analyze the company procedure and thereby take the required steps to realize the possible development of the organization. HR plays a vital role in all businesses nowadays. ERP incorporates all of the organization modules to form a single platform to be able to functioning properly for the enterprise. A lot of people want to learn what happens when modifications and updates to ERP processes are created. The demand for good integration of the activities of every department as a way to execute the process caused the implementation of best ERP software systems in organizations.